Custom First Aid Kits

Using our experience in first response, we work with you to create a first aid kit to meet your individual needs. We believe in having high quality supplies and equipment that you will actually use. A customized kit means that there is no waste - you get the high quality items you need, and you don't waste money on things that you don't.  

Featured on this page are a few examples of first aid kits we have created for our clients.  

Fill out our First Aid Kit Inquiry Form, we would be happy to put a customized kit together for you!  

Sports First Aid Kit

Sports First Aid KitSports First Aid Kit (outside of bag)

This first aid kit is designed for responding to a sports injury such as a bleed or a bone/muscle/joint injury. This is an ideal basic first aid kit for referees, coaches, trainers, volunteers and parents for sports like rugby, soccer, football and hockey. 

This first aid kit starts at $100.00 plus tax.


Medical Responder First Aid Kit

Medical Responder First Aid Kit

This first aid kit is a replica of what we use in our Swift Response First Responder and EMR (Emergency Medical Responder) courses. 

This is a well-rounded kit, built to be able to handle multiple patients in a variety of scenarios, and would be ideal for those with advanced medical training.

These kits start at $700.00 plus tax (the bag pictured is in the $1000 range).

Wilderness and Remote First Aid Kit

Wilderness and Remote First Aid Kit

This first aid kit contains the key pieces you need when you are in a remote setting and may need to wait more than 24 hours for assistance. First Aid Kits for wilderness can vary widely, with this particular one having some more advanced items, including Z fold hemostatic dressings, burn dressings, a tourniquet and a chest seal.

This first aid kit is great for hikers, climbers and campers, and can stat at $75.00 plus tax (the bag pictured is $300.00 plus tax)