About Us

For almost 10 years, Swift Response has been preparing the next generation of First Responders, and making high quality first aid training accessible to the general public.
We are a Canadian company based in Pickering Ontario, providing high quality, real-world training in First Aid, CPR/AED and Rescue. 

We are a training partner of the Canadian Red Cross.
Red Cross training partner logo

Who we are

 Steve: Owner and Instructor

SwiftI have spent the past 16 years delving into what I enjoyed doing, and it eventually led me to the creation of Swift Response. I wanted to create a company where we live by a "train hard, fight easy" mentality, providing training that is in depth and hands on, giving students the knowledge and confidence to succeed.

This philosophy extends to instructors that work with Swift Response - they are certified, highly experienced and passionate about providing real world training for real life situations. 

Relevant industry experience/accomplishments: 
I am a military veteran, paramedic, advanced first aid instructor, rescue technician, and experienced health and safety manager in the construction industry.

Shannon: Office Manager and Instructor

I’ve had my First Responder certification for almost 20 years but I needed to do the upgrade to EMR. I completed my EMR with Swift Response in 2020, and afterwards I started volunteering before becoming an instructor in 2021. I really enjoyed the people and atmosphere, and how every day you are surrounded by actual first responders as well. Spending time with firefighters, paramedics, and those going into firefighting really helped me with networking and building relationships as well as constantly working on my own medical skills.

Relevant industry experience/accomplishments:
I began as a Certified Athletic Therapist in 2013 and worked my way to becoming a full time firefighter in 2021 with the City of Toronto.

Future Goal:
I want to qualify for the Ironman world championships and complete an ultra distance race. Professionally I want to continue teaching, evolving my skills, and being able to give back as an instructor for both the medical side and fire service. I would also like to become a captain one day, and potentially a chief.

If you could have any super power, what would it be?
“Flying for sure - Peter Pan was my favourite Disney character growing up, I don’t even have to think about that!”

Marcus: Instructor

I completed my EMR in 2021 and began volunteering with Swift Response - the people and environment brought me back. Classes were fun, positive, professional - everyone knows what they are talking about!  I completed the instructor program and began teaching Standard First Aid at the beginning of 2023. I completed my EMR Instructor program and became and EMR instructor in early 2024. 

Relevant industry experience/accomplishments:
I have worked as a medic at nightclubs in downtown Toronto, and I spend my summers working as a Wildfire EMR in Alberta.

Future Goal : 
My goal is to become a full time professional Firefighter.

If you could have any super power, what would it be?
“Super Strength - everyday life would be easier if I could just pick up really heavy things”.

Jo: Instructor

EMR and SFA Instructor Jo

I completed my EMR in October of 2022 and began working with Swift Response in December. I loved how the instructors at Swift Response worked hard to help participants learn and succeed, I wanted to be part of that.

Relevant industry experience/accomplishments:
I’ve been a registered nurse for the last 5 years and now in the ICU. I am working towards becoming a firefighter, and have completed the pre-service fire program.

Future Goal:
Eventually I want to be a professional firefighter and working in a leadership role in the fire department.

If you could have any super power, what would it be?
“Infinite knowledge - I want to have a google brain”.

Victoria: Vice President and Instructor

My background is in video production, marketing, communications and leadership. I joined with Steve to launch Swift Response in 2017, and am supporting Swift Response in business growth, marketing, as well as handling the business administration.  I have also embraced my love of public speaking to become a first aid instructor, and Psychological first aid instructor. 

If you could have any super power, what would it be?
“Okay this might sound odd at first - I would like to be able to snap my fingers and make things clean and organized. I would use this for great societal good as well as at my own home... kitchen tupperware drawer? SNAP! Ocean plastic? SNAP!"

For news and information about Swift Response, visit our blog.